Friday, November 11, 2016

Seven and a half months-ish

Seriously this post is so late it's not even funny. Where do you find the time to blog anymore? I seriously have no time, and if I do I pop on a show and or sleep. Anyway- Sorry baby girl. I seriously blame it on you, you little clingy monkey. ;)

*Wow. Seven months is way too old. You need to stay this age forever. You are seriously one of the happiest yet MOST difficult babies on earth. Anyone and anything can make you smile.. but me not holding you makes you scream. 

You must be going through some time of superstorm anxiety (is that even possible considering you never let me leave your side?) but now I can't even set you down. In the highchair you scream.. on the floor.. scream. Jumper... scream.. I'm really hoping it's a phase. 
Please god let it be a phase. 

You don't say any words, like "mama, dads" but you jabber on randomly, and sometimes will say "yeah." 
We're working on you giving kisses and about 50% of the time you do it! The sweetest! 

You also have no teeth. Lillian had two by 7.. YOU have 0. But you've been teething for a while! You love to only sleep if I'm next to you- and rarely nap during the day. 
Baby food is getting better and I've been giving you more pieces of our food, which you seem to enjoy much more. 

You are leaning onto your knees while sitting- which means your kinda scooting around you even rocked back and forth on your knees a lot before crashing face first onto the carpet. Your sister collects shopkins and little toys that are perfect for you to choke on- so here is to you not moving anytime soon! But so very doubtful! 

Your laugh is freaking adorable.. contagious and anything and everything makes you laugh. Your sister makes you laugh the most. Your bond with each other is seriously what makes it all worth it. The hard days. The days where you scream all day (my birthday and your seven month birthday I cried twice! Yay!) but seriously. The days are so long but the years and SO SHORT. 

We love you so much. 
I love y'all so much. 
I'm happy. I'm tired and exhausted and wish you would take a damn bottle. But I'm happy. 

We love you Violet Wrenny roo roo! 

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