Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Instagram crazy.

Yes. I don't have an iphone. But my hubby got one a couple of days ago and I've claimed it to be mine. I tweet on it and instagram the crap out of pictures of Dovie. And I love it. And I'm hopefully get one soon, because lets face it:- If you don't have an iphone, you're not cool. And I hate being uncool.

So here you go. My daughter is adorable and we went on a cup shopping trip today at Wolrd Market. I'm obsessed with a parrot/flamingo theme for my kitchen, so when I saw this cup, I couldn't pass it up. I also bought me some earings so I don't look like a total gross-ass during the day. It's bad enough Lillian throws up on me all the time, and that I don't ever wear make-up or drop my hair down, so I'm hoping these little beauties to the trick on to making me look smoking hot again. (without trying.)

I've also become obsessed with candles again. Oh, and on buying cleaners. But what's new?
Until next time, XO.


  1. Cute post! Now you got me started on blogging! :)

  2. here's to no make up! and my frizzy hair is always pulled up! SAHMs are sooo glamorous!



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